Hormone Therapy for Women

Hormones play a pivotal role in various aspects of health, influencing mood, metabolism, and sexual/reproductive function. When hormonal imbalances occur, whether due to menopause or other factors, one can feel out of sync. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) offers a path to restore balance and help regain a sense of self.

While BHRT is commonly prescribed to alleviate menopausal symptoms, it can also address a range of conditions that women of all ages may encounter. These conditions encompass premenstrual syndrome (PMS), irregular menstrual cycles, mood swings, infertility, postpartum depression, weight fluctuations, endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, sleep disruptions, hot flashes, night sweats, reduced libido, painful intercourse, and vaginal dryness. These issues affect countless women, and as the demand for hormone-related treatments has grown, so has the mass production of standardized pills, patches, and creams by the pharmaceutical industry.

However, every woman’s body is unique, and the one-size-fits-all approach of commercially manufactured products may not account for individual differences. This is where compounding pharmacists step in, combining the art and science of pharmacy compounding to prepare customized medications for patients. BHRT, in particular, gains an advantage through compounding because it can be precisely tailored to meet each individual’s specific hormone levels and body requirements.

Bio-identical hormones in BHRT match the exact chemical structure of hormones found in the human body, allowing them to mimic natural hormone functions.

Working closely with the patient and her healthcare provider, compounding pharmacists initiate and maintain a bio-identical hormone replacement regimen that restores hormonal balance, closely resembling the body’s natural processes. With a healthcare provider’s prescription, the pharmacist can prepare hormones in various strengths and dosage forms, including capsules, topical or vaginal creams, gels, foams, suppositories, and sublingual drops or troches.